Equity+ Podcast

E+P 12 Medical Debt & What To Do About It

Episode Summary

In this episode, we hear from Rebecca Cerese, Policy Advocate at the NC Justice Center, who shares important information about medical debt in the US and North Carolina, and some great tips on what you can do to get help if you have it.

Episode Notes

Contact  Rebecca Cerese at rebecca@ncjustice.org 

NC Justice Center - https://www.ncjustice.org

Dollar For - https://dollarfor.org/

Dollar For FAQ - https://dollarfor.org/faq/

Dollar For Charity Care Handbook: https://dollarfor.org/charity-care-handbook/

NPR Life Kit, How To Negotiate Your Medical Bills with Dollar For video: https://youtu.be/sPBF53vPALA?si=ctNrdhNkefDeEpWL

Medical Bills: Everything You Need to Know About Your Rights Toolkit from Community Catalyst: https://communitycatalyst.org/resource/medical-bills-everything-you-need-to-know-about-your-rights/

KFF Study, Health Care Debt In The U.S.: The Broad Consequences Of Medical And Dental Bills: https://www.kff.org/report-section/kff-health-care-debt-survey-main-findings/

Urban Institute, Debt In America: An Interactive Map: https://apps.urban.org/features/debt-interactive-map/